Saturday, December 24, 2011

Java installation error?

I'm trying to download the android sdk but it wouldn't let me because it said that the version of java I have is not strong enough, so I tried to download the new version of java (developers know what I'm talking about) and it wouldn't let me do it.

when I tried to install it it said error could not unzip

can anyone help ?|||Not sure, but often I have seen when the user opts to use the Download Manager from the java site they have problems. I have no problems downloading the NetBeans / JDK bundle. I don't unzip, the installer does that. I'm talking Linux. I download, change the permissions of the download file to 'runnable' (right-click, properties). Then

% sh

Depending if you are Windows, that might be

C:\\ jdk-6u24-nb-6_9_1.exe

I'm not sure, but the installer does the unzipping. If prompted, install to:


after that works, you have to set the JAVA_HOME (if Windows). If Win7, you must do all this as Administrator from what I understand, then you can log on as user.

The NetBeans 6.8 had the Android plug-in. NetBeans is a great code editor. They are working on the next Android plug-in for NetBeans 7.0, but some have got it to working with 6.8.

You want the JavaSE.

Good luck.

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